A Message from the Secretary-General of the United Nations:

Welcome to F.O.B. ARTEMIS, a cutting-edge facility privately funded by the Council of 108, the governing force of the UNGOC and prominent members of the United Nations. Our mission is simple yet vital: to learn about the wonders of our universe and eliminate unknown anomalies threatening humanity.

ARTEMIS stands as a formidable Forward Operations Base, equipped with state-of-the-art infrastructure and resources. Our primary objective is to counter the ominous rumors surrounding the return of the Scarlet King, an embodiment of pure evil. In response, the Coalition has redirected its forces to consolidate efforts at F.O.B. ARTEMIS, uniting our strength and expertise.

We embody the unwavering commitment of the UNGOC to protect humanity from the paranormal. Through rigorous training, meticulous planning, and coordinated operations, we remain steadfast in our duty to defend our civilization.

Our presence serves as a powerful deterrent and a beacon of hope for the preservation of global stability.

Entry Log: SECGEN-0001 | UNGOC Secretariat | Message Approved by the Council of 108

Stay curious,
Sr. Benito 

>Forward Operations Base: ARTEMIS

More information coming soon.

UN Global Occult CoalitionSr. Benito© 2023 NXStudio